Worlds Apart

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All copyright to content, information and services provided on,,, is owned solely by PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA. Electronic documents, photos, music and generally any intellectual creation, which is incorporated on the aforementioned websites, belong to PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA in accordance with applicable copyright laws. Logos, names, brands and features that are included on the website belong to PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA and / or persons mentioned as the owners of the corresponding rights on the website and protected in accordance with the legislation on industrial property.

Reproduction or exploitation of the contents of the website: prohibited without the prior written permission of PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA, any use, exploitation, publication, republication, reproduction, copy, with or without treatment/editing, of the content of the website and the services offered on it. Exceptionally, you may print and copy content, provided that they it will not be altered, modified, translated, or edited in any way, and only if intended for personal use by the user himself, without intending any commercial use and providing the indication of their source of origin, without this implying in any way grant from the PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA. Reproduction of any item included on the Website or websites, which are not owned or controlled by PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA, even in the form of links (urls) or other referral routes.

Decompilation: It is strictly prohibited any processing of the content of website, including in particular the decompilation software, included in this or in any way editing the source code. The visualization and design of any website belongs exclusively to PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA. In any case, the entire content of the website and the services are provided to users for their personal use. Unless expressly provided otherwise, the trademarks, logos and other distinguishing marks are owned by PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA.

If users have access to streaming services media, it is strictly forbidden to use any technique for storing the stream in local media in any form, in whole or in part, in the same or other form of audio or video file (eg wav, wma, mp3, mpeg, etc.) that is available today or will be invented in the future.

Also prohibited is the post and storage (download) to local media (mechanical or electronic) of any images, logos, text, animations, gifs, sounds, images in general, static or animated, unless this is specifically permitted to the extent expressly permitted in each individual website, excluding all content offered to menus `Press Kit` and `Extra`.

PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA under no circumstances does not guarantee and is not liable accordingly (either by negligence) for any positive and indirect damage caused to any user from using the website and the content in general, especially as , pages, services, options and content of the website, the use of which the user proceeds with his own initiative.

PLUS PRODUCTIONS SA has the right (but not the obligation) to monitor, approve, reject or delete content submitted by users on the website and in any case, to refuse publish of content that violates these terms.